Monday, December 18, 2006

Sticks and Stones can Break our Bones; But Words Will NEVER Hurt Us!

Are events in Israel fuelling anti-Semitic opinions, and causing British Jews to be attacked? Reports from the latest political enquiry are suggesting that current affairs in Israel have led to growing anti-Israeli sentiment in the UK.

From an enquiry led by former European Minister; Denis Macshane, it was found that around the months of July and August 2006, when violence in Lebanon and Israel reached an all time high, attacks on Jews in the UK rose.

I found these results shocking. Why should Jews in the UK suffer as a result of the conflict in the Middle East? Why is it that people feel all Jews is are responsible for the increasing conflict in Israel?

According to the Community Security Trust, there were 455 anti-Semitic incidents in the past year. This is the highest figure since 1984.

In my opinion, I feel that many leaders in the UK target Israel as an excuse in order to antagonise the Jewish community. George Galloway allegedly slates Israel and their ideologies on a weekly basis on Talk Sport Radio. Leaders such as Galloway do not realise that they are breeding a new form of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism; “anti-Israelism”.

Certain organisations, such as the BBC, need to realise how much power they have over public opinions of Israel. The media in particular, need to realise that there are many narrow minded individuals, who refer to them as a direct source of information which, in some cases, is infested with anti-Israeli sentiment.

I feel it is important, as a Jew, that we put a stop to the increasing anti-Israeli sentiment that is spreading across the worlds and the UK in particular. I feel it’s important that we stand by organisations like BICOM and defend a country that desperately needs our help.

We need to make sure that the anti-Israeli sentiment does not defeat us. The media’s negative views on Israel should only make us stronger.

Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will never hurt us.


Anonymous said...

Babe u g0t my vote, Ana 4 winna!!!

Anonymous said...

Babe u g0t my vote, Ana 4 winna!!!

Anonymous said...

Cool blog, looks very pro, im luving the content, i hope ya win babe, all my support x x x