Monday, December 18, 2006

Did Six Million Jews Die In Vain?

After reading last weeks front page article of the JC, about the Orthodox Jewish Sect Neturei Karta’s involvement in the holocaust denial conference in Tehran, I was appalled.

I have no objection to the Neturei Karta’s being anti-Zionist, as everybody is entitled to their own opinions, however I cannot comprehend how they can deny the most catastrophic historical event in the history of the Jewish people.

As Rabbi Yehudah Brodie states in the JC article… “Rabbi Aaron Cohen… is considered to have crossed the threshold which divides rational viewpoints, from fanaticism… and desecrates all that Judaism stands for.”

I agree wholeheartedly with the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust Chairman; Dr Steven Smith, who stated; “If you deny history, you are perpetuating an insult to that memory.”

Having met, spoken and listened to Holocaust survivors, and visited the places where the atrocities took place, I cannot grasp, how any Jewish person, could denounce such a notorious even in Jewish history.

(With reference to: The Jewish Chronicle No. 7182, 15th of December 2006, Front page)


Anonymous said...

i think its absolutely disgusting that these people are joing meetings with peopel that re denying the holocaust. it is sending out an horrific message to therest of the world. ther are so many people that already hate the jews, why do we need jews to help them in this argument!!
these people really need to realise what ignoarant people they are being!

Anonymous said...

These people need educating may be they should be put in a room with families of the survivors of the holocaust then they would really believe what went on.