Monday, December 18, 2006

The Future's Bright.. The Future's Israel

For many year 13 students, the demands of A-Levels and deciding upon their future, is a stressful and exhausting process. The path that we follow shapes the direction that our lives will take, colours our decisions and affects the views and the way in which we express ourselves.

When deciding what to do with the rest of my life, I found myself in a dilemma. Do I go to university and get on with my life? Or… do I put my life on hold and take a year out to discover myself?

I found myself torn between, a life at uni; lectures, bars, cooking, cleaning, studying – HARD WORK; or, a life in Israel; Exploring, discovering, volunteering – GIVING BACK TO ISRAEL.

All of a sudden the prospect of taking a year out in Israel seemed extremely appealing. I believe that by participating in a gap year programme, be it with FZY, Legacy, BA or any other youth movement, teenagers are given an amazing chance to develop their Jewish identity and support Israel. I believe that by taking a year out in Israel I will grow as an individual, and be more prepared to stand on my own two feet, and face uni life.

Admittedly, at the moment I am very dependant on my parents, and very fortunate that they do so much for me. I hope that by going on year course, I will gain a sense of independence and take responsibility for myself. I am also hoping that I will develop a less materialistic outlook on life, and learn to appreciate what life has to offer.

I believe it’s important for teenagers to take a year out in Israel, because it gives us a chance to learn about the “REAL” Israel, and discover our heritage. All teenagers should stand strong for Israel; by spending a year there we are showing solidarity and love for our homeland.

The futures bright… the future’s ISRAEL


Anonymous said...

Year course 07 - 08!!! Good Luk for the finals X

Anonymous said...

Anna - your blog is brilliant. It is nice to see teenagers having an interest in their heritage. An understanding of the situation and a passion to educate others in their belief.

I am sure that you will get a lot out of a year in Israel.