Sunday, December 17, 2006

Israel's For Life... Not Just For Christmas : Chapter 3

(If you cannot see this video visit: )

It has become clear to me that today’s teenagers do feel that it’s important we stand up for Israel, because as so many have replied, when being interviewed, “If we don’t who will?”

My fear is that not all teenagers hold this view. As I asked the question “Do you think it’s important for today’s youth to defend Israel?” I realised that I am only asking Jewish teenagers, Jewish teenagers in a Jewish environment. If I were to go to a non-Jewish school and ask this question would I get the same response? Would I receive the same views if I asked the same question to a non-Jew?

I believe that it is equally important for ALL teenagers to be defending Israel, not just Jewish teenagers, from Jewish schools. I hope that if I were to ask this question in a non-Jewish environment I would receive the same response, but with the escalating anti-Israeli sentiment in the UK my fear is that not all teenagers will uphold this view.

We as teenagers need to realise that our voice, and our views, can make a difference.


dana_doron said...

amazing idea for a blog!
unique ideas, interesting questions, universal opinions...

Unknown said...

I agree again. Everybody needs to be made aware of what Israel stands for. Its not just about being a jewish nation, its about freedom! Good work!!!!!

Ollie said...

This is an extremely interesting and and clever point to highlight.
Going to a non - jewish school i believe it to be of upmost importance that everyone be able to defend their homeland.
All it takes is one person to say a negative comment about Israel, people to hear, thus resulting in them making a false judgement. If you had been able to argue this negativity away then this judgement of Israel could have been saved.
In a country of growing anti semitism it is vital that we are all playing our part in securing the Jewish state. Whether it be learning a bit about our heritage, fighting in the Israeli army or learnig about the IDF's aims - it will all make a difference. Even if you cahnge one persons view, you have still helped that little bit in con tnuing our Jewsih heritage.

Anonymous said...

amazing blog!
the videos make me smile, especially the most recently added one!!
very well put together!!
ana for ambassador!!

Anonymous said...

i agree. excelent blog, very interesting points made and great to see all the young north london kids standing up for their country!!

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting way to encourage young people to think about the existance and purpose of the state of Israel. Well done Ana

Anonymous said...

Well done Anna. I am really proud of the work you have done on this.

Anonymous said...

I think you deserve a place in Israel