Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Former US President Attacks Israel!

As some of you may be aware of former US President Jimmy Carter is back on the talk-show circuit and has been heavily demonising Israel in pursuit of "peace"!

Mr Carter has been making allegations such as;

Israel is the primary obstacle to peace in the region
UN Resolution 242 demands that Israel return to Palestinians all land up to the 1967 borders
The West Bank is Palestine
Israel is an apartheid state
The PLO has never advocated the annihilation of Israel
Voices from Israel dominate in the U.S. media
Israel is responsible for the exodus of Christians from the Holy Land

Comments like Carter's help de-legitimize the State of Israel by making it look like a stubborn obstacle to peace without an legal basis for taking defensive action against terrorists. Former President Carter is weakening Israel in the eyes of Americans and peace-loving people worldwide.

We need to fight against the inaccuracies and distortions! It's people like Carter who shape the negative opinions of others! We all need to stand up for a country in turmoil and provide the world with the REAL facts about Israel!

Help defend a country in need... We are all ambassadors for Israel!


Anonymous said...

So true, we need more people like you to help our country, X.

Anonymous said...

I 4got 2 say vote 4 anna everyone!!

Anonymous said...

excellent articule well done

Anonymous said...

very well done to Anna good luck in the results.

Anonymous said...

a very interesting and thoughtful article, well done Anna,
from Gary

Anonymous said...

thought provoking Anna.
Well done
love Auntie Karen

Anonymous said...

You really are an ambassador for Israel. An excellent pice of work really inspiring