Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The FINAL Countdown...

With the final looming tomorrow, I wanted to take the time to reflect on my experience of the Ambassador Competition…

…I chose to apply for Ambassador because previous to the competition I had minimal knowledge about current affairs in Israel, and Israel as a country in general. I believed that by applying for The Ambassador I would be able to develop my knowledge of Israel so that I would be able to defend Israel in the future.

I can honestly say I have learnt so much from this amazing programme. With each new task I have gained knowledge and skills which I know will be invaluable for the rest of my life.

The very first task involved a simulated Sky News interview, regarding the current situation in the Middle East, for which I had to defend Lebanon, against another Media Ambassador who was defending Israel. From this task I learnt how important it is to be aware of everybody’s views; in this case the views of my opposition. I believe it is important to check out every side of an argument before you can build your response.

The second task was creating an ad campaign promoting Israel. This was my favourite task! Together with Lee Abrahams; another Media Ambassador, I created an advertisement for Israel. The message of our advert was “Why fight when we can reunite?” Below are some samples of ideas we came up with for our ad poster.

From this task I learnt several technical skills, including a new found passion for Adobe Photoshop!

Here is the Image we chose to use for our ad campaign…

We believed this to be the most powerful image as it captures the serenity of Israel, alongside the hope and faith of an innocent Palestinian. We wanted our campaign to appeal to everybody which is why we chose images relating to both Israel and Palestine.

For our third task we had to write an opinion article about a current issue, which has evoked a great deal of anti-Israeli sentiment in the British media. (My article is featured in one of my earlier posts titled “One Woman Can’t Do It Alone.”) This task taught me how important it is to spread our views and put a stop to the increasing anti-Israeli sentiment in the UK. We need to stand up for what we believe in and help a country in need because if we don’t, who will?

After completing my third task, I was truly shocked to receive a position in The Ambassador FINAL, but I am truly grateful for the opportunity. In case you are unaware, the production of this blog, is my final task! I have been asked to create a blog for Israel, which should inform and inspire my audience. I hope that you have found this blog enlightening and stimulating.

Creating this blog has taught me so much! I thoroughly enjoyed filming all the video clips, and I was just like to say thank you to everybody who was involved with the filming. You are all ambassadors for Israel, and you have helped to inspire others!

The Ambassador Programme has instilled a passion for Israel within me, which I have never had before. I am sure this passion will remain with me for the rest of my life, and I hope that it only grows stronger.

Finally I would like to show my gratitude to all those who have created and contributed to developing such a wonderful and life changing programme. I urge those who receive the opportunity to advocate Israel, to grasp it with both hands and begin a life changing journey. My journey is only just beginning…



Anonymous said...

awsome blogs --- really original and interesting ...
my mum loved it as well
all the best of luck 2mrw - u deserve to win
xxx ysz xxx

Anonymous said...

Excellent pictures.

Anonymous said...

I have been truly inspired by your hard work. I am an educator of teenage children and i will be using some of your work to inspire, motivate and educate them. You certainly are an ambassador for Israel and you deserve to win. You must have put hours and hours of work into this.

Anonymous said...

Excellent researching

Anonymous said...

A very impressive Blog, even though
I have never been to Israel after viewing this I feel a connection and bond to Israel and a strong desire to be there.

Anonymous said...

I am very impressed with the way you have dealt with this task. You have been very informative.
Am Yisrael high

Anonymous said...

This is a great promo for young people to go to Israel you make me want to volunteer and take a year out in Israel again. A fantastic piece of work.

Anonymous said...

Amazing Blog wiyh your passion for Israel you should be Ambassador

Anonymous said...

ana truley an inspiration to me with your support for israel your a romodel to many people, love the website x x x

Anonymous said...

You have captured the true feelings of what Israel means to me.
Iwould love to go back to the time I voluntered for the six day war the experience was great Jews from all over the world doing thir bit

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you have captured israel to a tee